Protection against corrosion
DanVex dehumidifier prevent the damaging effects of corrosion due to the formation of condensation.In general, it is safe to assume that most materials, particularly ferrous metals, are subject to corrosion. By this we mean that every substance eventually changes from one form to another as a result of chemical reactions. Many of these reactions, particularly those which depend upon oxygen, are catalyzed and accelerated by moisture.

Product drying & technological processes
DanVex dehumidifiers allow for consistent and quality products to be produced efficiently by preventing the effects of humidity.Hard candies often contain corn sugars and sorbitol, both of which are highly hygroscopic. When humidity is high, the product can absorb moisture and become sticky, which can cause it to stick to the packaging machinery and wrapping material, slowing the process and creating sanitary problems.

Brewing requires large amounts of heat, water and malted grain. All of these components are necessary for growing yeast which turns natural sugars into alcohol. In a brewery yeast is a beneficial fungus, however if ambient humidity levels remain unchecked, microbes and fungus may grow in its place and disrupt the brewing process.

Steam & condensation prevention
Common problem in ice arenas where the condensed moisture is deposited onto the surface of the ice in the form of water droplets and also, in the form of fog above the surface of the ice. When moisture condenses and accumulates on the surface on the ice, it is known as "frosting". This "frosting" in turn, results in "slow" ice and also imposes an additional load on the ice making system

Repair & construction works
Formerly construction work on an average building went on for 6-9 months and the building materials were usually dried out by natural ventilation by the time the building was finished. Today, however, construction work is very efficient and much faster. This means that dehumidification is required to remove the excess water in the various building materials before the building can be occupied.

Warehouse and archival storage
Dehumidification is essential in the preservation of rare objects, records, paintings and books. Museums, libraries and archives are all custodians of national heritage and help to keep cultures alive through invaluable paintings, objects d'art and historical records. Therefore it is important that these items be preserved in their original state for future generations to enjoy.

Humidity control for powder coating
Powder coating is fast becoming the preferred method in many industrial and commercial applications. It is a pollution free process which offers excellent surface protection from corrosion and damage. It is essential that the air being supplied to the powder coating room be temperature and humidity controlled. Initially, the make-up air to the spray booths should be dehumidified. On occasion, it may be necessary to dehumidify the entire coating room.